
This is a collection of philophical writings from as many philosophers as possible. I will try to include my personal interprations and notes but I would like to let you know that I'm not a philosopher, just a teen who is interested in both philosophhy and web developement. This is a hypertextbook for people passinate about philosophy and doesn't know where to start or wants a single source for all types of philophies. I got inspired by The Physics Hypertextbook which tried to bring a new concept to textbooks that would fit modern world better. Why should we stick to pages while we can make more interactive textbooks that would spark the passion of students. Every new system has adopted to the modern tecnologies except for the education system. I will try my best while making this because this is just a side-project, but I have never been this passinate about a side-project. I would like to inform you that all, or at least, most of the work is collected fromm cited sources and doesn't include my own interpretations(at least for now). If you would like to contribute or ask me a question, my contact info: